
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Year with New Intentions

This whole 'New Years Resolution' concept is garbage. To 'resolve' to do something suggests pure determination. What really matters is the motivation, reasoning and intention behind that determination. Instead of just announcing, 'I'm going to exercise more.' or 'I'm going to eat healthier.', let's really dig deep into those changes that we desire for the coming year. Only then can we REALLY change our lives.

For me, I foresee a LOT of changes in the coming year, circumstantially. But the internal and lifestyle changes are where I will be focusing on this during this season. Luckily, my school provided me with The Integrative Nutrition Journal to help me with that task. Starting January 1, I will take the next 3 months to focus on my health - physical, mental and spiritual - in depth, and in writing. Sticking to writing is not a strength of mine, so this will take discipline in addition to my personal motivation. Some other courses of action are:
  • Take Some Me Time to get into a cozy, quiet setting alone with some tea and really spend some time reflecting. What was great in 2010? What did I accomplish? What would I like to accomplish in 2011?
  • Journal the answers to those questions, and see where my pen takes me with those thoughts
  • Don't wait until January 1 to start new, healthy habits. Make a conscious decision, right now, to do things, eat the food, pray the prayers and think the thoughts you know you should be thinking. Start crowding out the bad with the good.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Macrobiotics: Not a Diet, but a Way of Life

Essential OhsawaIn the early 1970's, Macrobiotics gained popularity as a diet with the capability of curing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. But the premise of this lifestyle is making good choices. In food, home, relationships and all other aspects of life. In Greek, 'macro' means 'large' and 'bios' means 'life'. It doesn't refer to LONGER life, but FULLER life. It is a philosophy of balance.

The major principals include:
  • Eat natural, minimally processed, whole foods
  • Eat organically, locally and seasonally, when possible
  • Gain understanding of how different foods effect you
  • Center the diet around whole grains, vegetables and beans (not meat)
  • Keep our lives in harmony within our families, community and selves
The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health: A Complete Guide to Naturally Preventing and Relieving More Than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders
While some have been known to go overboard and become very fanatical and even legalistic about living a Macrobiotic lifestyle, it's not about rules. It's about respect for our food, bodies and therefore lives. Sound familiar?

My desire to improve my own health through food is motivated by my relationship with Jesus Christ. My relationship is not dependent on following the rules (though I strive to because He deserves it, just as my body does). By focusing on God in everything I do, I know that He will guide and protect me. I know that everything will be OK. By making better food choices and exercising more, I know that my health will only improve. If I respect my body, it will take care of me. It will be sustained with energy to get me through the day, to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. I was given this body by God to do His work on this Earth.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Back to School Again: the Road to Health Counseling

Endeavoring into the world of formal education… again… has actually been a real pleasure so far. While I enjoyed most of my 2 year college experience at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology studying Architectural Technology, I HATED High School. I don't generally use the word HATE lightly, but I truly hated it. In fact, all 12 years of schooling were pretty horrible. I soared through my final years in the remedial classes, so I could do as little work as possible. I was always the smart one in the class amongst the thugs and truants.

I had spent the last few years expanding my own awareness about food, health and the local food system. I read many books and joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in an attempt to broaden my food horizons. I pondered culinary school, but couldn't bring myself to spend the money on something that I didn't plan to use professionally. In essence, I didn't have any intention of being a chef for a living. So why spend $18,000 on a certificate from a culinary school in NYC that focuses on whole foods? Because it would have been an AMAZING experience! But, alas, my common sense kept me out of the clouds and in my steady, reliable job as a Realtor Assistant.

That culinary school, the Natural Gourmet Institute, mails out a quarterly course catalog with public classes, as well as chef training. Each time it comes in the mail, I again begin to dream about immersing myself into a whole foods culinary experience with like-minded people and critically acclaimed professionals in field. As I flipped through the catalog this past August, I came across a course offering that focused on food and healing and found at the bottom of the course description that it was only offered as Continuing Education for health professionals and graduates of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. "What's that?!", I'm fairly certain I exclaimed out loud in the privacy of my own home, which I'm known to do. My internet was uncooperative on this particular evening, but on my nightly phone call with my boyfriend, Casey, I asked him to look it up and tell me what it was.

As Casey read me the information on almost every single page of that website that night, I could not wait to get back online in the morning and read it with my own eyes. It talked about taking my passions for nutrition, health and natural wellness and turning them into a career where I could help others improve their own lives with my knowledge. Within 1 week I was enrolled. Through 1 year of distance learning through the internet and an iPod filled with lectures on over 100 dietary theories, business building and clinical nutrition information, I will be a Certified Health Counselor, guiding others through their own journeys to wellness.

You see, we were created to heal ourselves. We can't always count on doctors to fix every little ailment, and sometimes even the big ones. We owe it to ourselves to be informed and aware of our bodies and how they work, and to know WHY we feel the way we do at different times. And while physical food is important, it comes secondary to our relationships, spirituality and career, which are our 'Primary Food'.
I'm learning a lot, soaking in as much information as I can. And in a few months, I'll be ready to start working with others. In the meantime, part of my training is to perform free Health History Consultations. These are a great learning tool where we get to know each other, discuss your health concerns and goals, and it's just a great time for you to be heard! If this sounds good to you, I'd love to schedule a time to get together or talk over the phone for 50 minutes or so. Email me at You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Out of My Own Head

Why do we as women often become overwhelmed by nothing? At times, I have been known to become over-emotional because I let my irrational feelings stew and fester until the originating culprit becomes unrecognizable. In other words, I forget what started the whole emotional roller coaster in the first place.

For some of us, we worry too much over little things, or we over-analyze situations and make something dramatic out of nothing. For others, we try too hard and become disappointed when our expectations are not met. I myself have been guilty of all of these and other self-indulgent behaviors at some time or another.

We need to remind ourselves of God's amazing love for us, and how sufficient it truly is.

         10 I seek you with all my heart;
           do not let me stray from your commands. -Psalm 119:10

         14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
           I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."  -Psalm 91:14

         31 My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to hear your words,
        but they do not put them into practice. Their mouths speak of love, but their hearts are
        greedy for unjust gain. 32 Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love
        songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but
        do not put them into practice.  -Ezekiel 33:31-32

All through the Psalms, God's love for us is expressed over and over again. So how do we really learn and accept this fact so deeply that we're able to live accordingly and never forget?

1) By studying His word regularly, and memorizing such verses
2) By praying that our hearts will be open to His words
3) By writing down those verses that speak to us
4) By fellow believers holding each other accountable. In our ungrateful behavior, as well as our relationships with Christ.

So what do you need accountability and prayer in? Make an effort to reach out to a spouse, family member or friend and ask for accountability in these things.

More on India

The details of our trip are coming together easily, thanks to the efforts of the team members that have gone in previous years. As a team, we still need to raise about $5,700! God has provided sufficiently and quickly for some of us, and will provide for the rest in his will. We had a late comer to the team, so much of the funds still needed are for her. But we all have a specific role in this journey, and He has already given hints as to how He will use each of our gifts.

We will take a day trip to visit the Taj Mahal as a personal, tourist time for the team. But we will also take a 2 day trip with some of the older girls from the home, to the Darjeeling Tea Farm, by train, and will be staying overnight to visit a zoo the following day! Though I'm a bit concerned about the zoo and the conditions that the animals my be kept in a foreign country, this will be an AMAZING time of fellowship and bonding with these girls.

We leave for India in approximately 6 weeks, and our funds are due in 2! There are 9 of us going, so it is not quite as overwhelming as it sounds. Thank you so much to family and friends who have found it in their hearts to give funds for this trip. Lives will surely change, including mine. I have reached my personal goal of fund raising, but if you would like to give in support of the team and to help pay for our Tea Farm trip with the girls, please send checks payable to Victory Church with “Jamie Forberger-India Missions Trip” written in the memo line. Mail your gift to Victory Church 1827 Freedom Road Suite 103 Lancaster, PA  17601.  You will receive a receipt of your gift in the form of a Year End Giving Statement from our Finance Department.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feeling a Cold or Allergies Sneaking Up on You?

I get a little stuffy in the morning sometimes. Or I notice that I'm sneezing a lot. Or I've got a little tingle in back of my throat.  When these bothersome symptoms make an appearance, I reach for my Neti Pot (see at left). Don't be scared, it's not even close to being a new concept, though it is foreign. It's been used in India and other regions for hundreds of years. It uses warm saline to rinse impurities and pesky cold germs from your sinuses and nasal cavity.

I know, it sounds weird, gross and unpleasant. But I assure you that it is not. I'm able to breath freely through my mouth when using it. And with a little practice, I was able to manipulate the flow down my pharynx, into my mouth to get rid of the pesky scratchy throat.

People with bad allergies have found great relief when using the Neti Pot regularly. But... it is possible to over do it. Make sure the water isn't too hot, only warm. There is also beneficial bacteria in there that you don't want to strip away completely.

This is only my personal recommendation based on my experience. If you're unsure, ask your doctor. But I've had great success with it. They come in travel size, plastic and ceramic.

Oh, and for all of you Dr. Oz fans, he recommends it as well. He introduced it to the American public on Oprah a couple years ago. Since then, it's become all the craze here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Health Consultations

Two months ago I began my studies to become a certified Health Counselor. At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I am not only learning to take care of myself, but I am receiving very detailed and careful instruction on how to counsel others around food and lifestyle choices.

Part of my course requirements is to perform free health consultations with other people.

I'd like to invite you to do a session with me. You'll have the opportunity to talk about your life, your dreams and goals you've always wanted to accomplish. This is an opportunity for you to be heard and to feel a sense of support in your life. I'd like to share this time with you, to support you in living an even happier, healthier life. In this consultation, we will spend an hour reviewing your Health History Form and your goals for your own health. We'll get to know each other, and get a sense of what it will feel like to possibly work together in the future, once I start seeing clients.

I'd appreciate the opportunity to share this time with you and allow you to talk about your life and health. Our time together is free and confidential, and we can speak over the phone, or meet wherever you feel comfortable.

If you're interested in sharing this time, maybe learning a little something about yourself and helping me complete my homework, send me an email at

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Countdown to India Has Officially Begun

Last night was an imperative meeting for our India Missions Trip with Victory Church. We discussed our travel arrangements, activities with the girls, different ministries we will be doing,and what to pack for our trip. Pam was SOOOO excited to share what she found at the store... the Dreamie Fleece. One of the concerns on previous trips was that the conditions in various hotels were so dirty, that they didn't want to soil their clean sheets at the beginning of the trip. With the Dreamie Fleece, Pam can snuggle into her fleece pouch and cover herself with the hotel blankets on top. Pure genius. There's even a pouch at the top to hold your pillow. But I digress...

Discussing the devotion time, games we'll be playing, and quality time we'll be spending with these orphaned girls, got me so excited to get there. I don't even care about the 4 hour Jeep rides at 50 MPH on dirt roads (in case you're unaware, I get majorly car sick). It's all for the glory of God. I've never been out of the country, or on a missions trip. I CANNOT wait to see what He has in story for us, and what He teaches me through this trip.

I am still in need of about $350 to cover all of my expenses. If you feel led to give monetarily to my trip, please make checks payable to Victory Church with “Jamie Forberger-India Missions Trip” written in the memo line. Mail your gift to Victory Church, 1827 Freedom Road Suite 103, Lancaster, PA 17601. You will receive a receipt of your gift in the form of a Year End Giving Statement from our Finance Department. This will count as a charitable contribution on your 2010 tax return. All monies are due by December 15th.

Thank you again to everyone who has given so far, and those who will give now. I love you all, and appreciate your support.

Welcome to my attempt at blogging!

My hope and prayer for this blog is that it will be used to accomplish the following things...
  1. To improve my writing skills
  2. To inform my community of what I've been learning
  3. To document my journey and the monumental changes in my life
  4. To glorify God by expressing my heart and love for Him
So, we'll see how it goes.