
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Macrobiotics: Not a Diet, but a Way of Life

Essential OhsawaIn the early 1970's, Macrobiotics gained popularity as a diet with the capability of curing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. But the premise of this lifestyle is making good choices. In food, home, relationships and all other aspects of life. In Greek, 'macro' means 'large' and 'bios' means 'life'. It doesn't refer to LONGER life, but FULLER life. It is a philosophy of balance.

The major principals include:
  • Eat natural, minimally processed, whole foods
  • Eat organically, locally and seasonally, when possible
  • Gain understanding of how different foods effect you
  • Center the diet around whole grains, vegetables and beans (not meat)
  • Keep our lives in harmony within our families, community and selves
The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health: A Complete Guide to Naturally Preventing and Relieving More Than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders
While some have been known to go overboard and become very fanatical and even legalistic about living a Macrobiotic lifestyle, it's not about rules. It's about respect for our food, bodies and therefore lives. Sound familiar?

My desire to improve my own health through food is motivated by my relationship with Jesus Christ. My relationship is not dependent on following the rules (though I strive to because He deserves it, just as my body does). By focusing on God in everything I do, I know that He will guide and protect me. I know that everything will be OK. By making better food choices and exercising more, I know that my health will only improve. If I respect my body, it will take care of me. It will be sustained with energy to get me through the day, to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. I was given this body by God to do His work on this Earth.

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