
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Year with New Intentions

This whole 'New Years Resolution' concept is garbage. To 'resolve' to do something suggests pure determination. What really matters is the motivation, reasoning and intention behind that determination. Instead of just announcing, 'I'm going to exercise more.' or 'I'm going to eat healthier.', let's really dig deep into those changes that we desire for the coming year. Only then can we REALLY change our lives.

For me, I foresee a LOT of changes in the coming year, circumstantially. But the internal and lifestyle changes are where I will be focusing on this during this season. Luckily, my school provided me with The Integrative Nutrition Journal to help me with that task. Starting January 1, I will take the next 3 months to focus on my health - physical, mental and spiritual - in depth, and in writing. Sticking to writing is not a strength of mine, so this will take discipline in addition to my personal motivation. Some other courses of action are:
  • Take Some Me Time to get into a cozy, quiet setting alone with some tea and really spend some time reflecting. What was great in 2010? What did I accomplish? What would I like to accomplish in 2011?
  • Journal the answers to those questions, and see where my pen takes me with those thoughts
  • Don't wait until January 1 to start new, healthy habits. Make a conscious decision, right now, to do things, eat the food, pray the prayers and think the thoughts you know you should be thinking. Start crowding out the bad with the good.

1 comment:

  1. Pray the prayers, think the way I should, and crowd out the bad with the good. I like these ideas, thank you for stating the obvious which can be so obviously ignored.
