
Sunday, October 4, 2015

What is Our Motivation Towards Improved Health?

Over the last 10+ years of my wellness journey, there have been varying reasons for and motivations towards leading a healthier life. Some of them have been:
  1. Weight loss
  2. Digestive issues 
  3. A desire to heal from disease 
  4. Pregnancy 
  5. Lack of energy 

But a consistent reason that has never left me has been stewardship. A desire to use this gift of my "temple" in responsible ways; to be a good example to others; to be the best that I can be in order to care for my family and community to the best of my ability. If I am sick and tired, then I lack the energy and ability to function in my every day responsibilities. And if I do somehow muster the will and energy to perform the tasks required of me, I'm surely unable to do so in a joyful, loving manner (which is super important to me). My efficiency and productivity, as well as my mental and emotional health, suffer when I do not adequately take care of myself.

There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of books, websites and businesses devoted to health and wellness. It has become a multi-million dollar industry. Everyone thinks that they have the miracle answer that will improve your health. The best diet. The best nutritional supplement. The best exercise program. But I believe and have had proven to me time and time again by the many people that I've spoken to about their own wellness journeys that no one answer is the right answer for everyone. There is no one solution everyone. We are individuals created with individual dietary, exercise, spiritual and relational needs.

So what change can you make today to improve your health? What healthy suggestion have you been meaning to implement in your life? Or do you need some help discovering more healthy options to try for yourself?

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