
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Slowing Down and Assessing the Essentials

It's been quite some time since I've last blogged. So many things have changed. I've experienced the good, the bad, happiness, sadness, stress, peace... so many experiences in day-to-day life that make up who we are.

I've gotten married at the age of 33, which poses it's own challenges. Learning to compromise and share a life with another person can be quite the adjustment. But God didn't create marriage to make us happy (though it hopefully does some of the time). He created marriage to make us holy. So that we may imitate Him as he related to the church. I truly believe that there is no greater challenge with no greater reward than growing together in Christ in the ways that are expressed in scripture. It is character-building, for sure.

These last few months of new marriage have brought with them much reflection on who I am, who I am becoming, and who He wants me to be. How will my time be best spent? What activities/studies/hobbies will best serve my family and glorify God? What will contribute positively to my health, both physically and mentally? I've had some recent developments in my physical health that have proven to be the result of too much stress. So the reevaluation of my time and focus has become absolutely necessary.

So what are you focused on these days? How are you spending your time and attention, and how are those things serving your all-around wellness?